Malvern News

Dear Members of The Malvern Club,

This is the Draft minutes for the March 14, 2019, Board of Director's Meeting.

All Malvern Club reports can be found on our website. We hope you will find this draft report useful for discussion in the next scheduled meeting.

But First - A Special Note from the Treasurer
It's Spring! Please save the date, May 11, for a Spring Social. If you want to volunteer to help please let me know by clicking this email link.


Diana Wright
Highlights from the March 14 Report of Meeting
2019 Dues
Members are reminded that your dues first payment was due March 1st. A late fee of $30 will be assessed on any payment not received with a postmarked date of March 31st or earlier.
Annual Membership Meeting
The Annual Membership Meeting will be on April 27th at the Clubhouse. Sign-in starts at 9:30, meeting at 10:00.
Board Director Volunteers
The election of three Board Directors will be held during the Membership Meeting. If you would like to run for a seat you may provide a brief bio for inclusion in the Spring Communicator. Bios must be received by the Board by April 3rd. A member may also place their name on the ballot at the Membership Meeting.
Lake Boat Racks
Options for installing a new boat rack will be discussed at the Membership Meeting.
Spring Social
There will be a Spring Social at the Clubhouse on Saturday, May 11th.
  • The next Board meeting will be 7:00 pm, Thursday, April 11, 2019, at the Clubhouse. All members may attend.
► Click for the Full Text of the March 14 Report of Meeting ◄
Update Note: This issue was emailed to Malvern News subscribers on March 25, 2019, and contained the full text of the then available Draft Report of Meeting. This web version contains the above link to the current version held in the website archive.
Newsletter Published March 25, 2019