Please Click Here to open the full text of the Draft minutes for the October 8, 2020, Board of Director's Meeting.
Below you will find some of the highlights from the meeting and any special notes that might be of interest.
Minutes of most Board and Membership meetings can be found on Malvern's website. We hope you will find this abbreviated report of the minutes useful.
The Malvern Newletter's contain highlights, decisions, and actions from the Board of Directors, plus descriptions and/or reminders about upcoming HOA or social events as they approach.
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We hope the Newsletter and its archive are useful for residents, potential buyers, and real estate agents.
The Malvern News is created and published as determined by input from the Board and its committees. If you have any questions about the Malvern News or any of the Community activities please visit our Contacts Page for information on contacting the Board or a Board or Committee member.