 Home Home Date Submitted: August 7, 2014 Subscribe Subscribe 
Hello Malvern News Subscribers,
This Newsletter is brought to you by the Click here Malvern Board of Directors. Thank you for subscribing and please inform your Malvern neighbors of this news service.

Homeowners' Association:
In addition to this Newsletter, the Board maintains the Click here Malvern Web Site where you can find reports of meetings, the latest "Malvern Communicator," policies, forms, and a wealth of other information about our community. And, please, come to the monthly Board meetings to learn more about the latest of what's going on!

Next Monthly Board Meeting
Date:Thursday, August 14, 2014
Time:7:00 pm
Agenda:View View/Print Agenda

President's Bulletin Board:
Pin I hope everyone is happy that the newspaper boxes are painted! I know I am! Thanks to Rick Collins, Ceil Collins, Ed Johnson and Nancy Johnson for all their hard work and positive attitudes. Rick is also replacing the back siding on the mailbox building as the old one was in pretty bad shape.
Pin I hope you've noticed the planting at the Malvern entrance sign. Many thanks to our anonymous Malvern gardener! We do plan to install a rain barrel on the mailbox building so watering is easier next season.
Pin The graffiti on the playground equipment has been cleaned off--we finally found something that would take it off! Let's hope the "artist" has moved on to something less destructive!
Pin You may have also noticed the missing Stop sign on the corner of Malvern Drive and Covered Bridge has been replaced with an older style while we wait for the proper one to arrive. Thanks to TJ Wright for setting this one back in cement! It will be harder to steal next time. TJ also had to reset the divided highway sign at the start of the median on Malvern Drive. It was the month for sign vandalism it seems.

Sign stealing did not stop with one! So far we have recovered 4 of the 5 that were taken and the perpetrators have admitted to stealing 3 signs. The Sheriffs office is speaking with the Commowealth Attorney to determine what charges are applicable. The Board is in agreement that we should press charges.

The last sign taken is on Covered Bridge and Malvern. At this time it is not clear who took that one! We will be replacing them all as soon as Ms Utility has marked the corners! Please be mindful of traffic until the signs are replaced.
Pin I hope everyone is having a great summer! I'm looking forward to the Picnic in September and hope to see you all there!
Pin In October the Board plans to clear easements along the main roads--over hanging limbs and brush will be removed and any small trees growing there. We are trying to be proactive and keep professional tree removal in the future to a minimum.

Click here Click here to find the latest minutes from the monthly Board meetings.

Architectural Committee:
Residents are reminded to submit a Click here package to the Architecture Review Committee prior to building on your lot. This includes outbuildings, patios, fences, etc. You can contact the Click here Board or anyone on the Architecture review committee if you have questions or concerns.

Roads Committee:
Maintenance and repair work on select roads will take place in August or early September depending on the contractors schedule and weather conditions.

Roadways include but are not limited to; Covered Bridge, Old Forge Way, Liberty Lane, Bee Gum, and the Boat Ramp Rd.

Miscellaneous work such as pot hole filling, and crack repairs will be conducted on other roads throughout the development.

Look for signs at the entrance alerting residents to specifics, and be sure to pay attention to Construction warning signs while work is in progress.

It is anticipated that work will take from a week to 10 days to complete.

Sunday 8/3, Rick Collins and I replaced all 4 missing Stop signs. Special thanks to Rick for the assistance.

Community Events:

Malvern Events Planning Meeting
Date:Sunday, August 17
Time:2:00 pm

Reminder - Malvern Crab Feast
Date:Saturday, August 9, 2014
Time:4:00 pm
Requirements: • Adults only
• Advanced Reservations Only
Contacts: • Merri Woodward 540-948-6239
• Shawna Gates 540-407-1969
More Info:Click here Click for Flyer

Firewise Committee:
Malvern had a successful Chipping Day on July 16 with 22 lots participating. Residents may continue Firewise work on their properties and log entries until the second Chipping Day on April 22, 2015.

Find out if your home will survive a wildfire by having a home assessment by the Virginia Department of Forestry Mitigation Specialist. Contact Karen at 540-948-3230 or email: Subscribe malvernfirewise@gmail.com.

Madison County History Bits - 1929:
On August 17, 1929, the people of Madison County gave a hearty welcome to President Herbert Hoover at an event that included arrival of Governor Harry Byrd in an Army blimp. An estimated 10,000 persons (more than the County population) enjoyed a meal of Madison County chicken, ham, pie, and squirrel stew.

Rapidan Camp, President Hoover's fishing camp, was situated on 167 acres of land purchased by the President. He also provided $20,000 towards building supplies -- the construction work was performed by Marines assigned to the camp as part of their training experience.

Mrs. Hoover issued directions that, wherever possible, "flora and fauna" were to be left in place. At no time did she allow disturbance of the natural setting nor the importation of any plant material not natural to the landscape. (Today, at the restored camp site, you can walk on a porch that includes a massive tree growing up through the flooring -- included in the building construction).

The Hoovers were good neighbors in their years of coming to Madison County. However, they were modest to the extreme and their good works were often not made public. An example is that they paid $75,000 for construction of a school when they realized the children of the mountain families needed a place to learn. Another example is that they paid for a lovely stained glass window at Piedmont Episcopal Church and Mrs. Hoover sent a $500 check to the Clore family after a devastating fire in the early 1930s. As soon as the Clore family had rebuilt the business and had income, they mailed a repayment to Mrs. Hoover. She returned it saying it was not meant to be a loan, but was an outright gift.

After Mr. Hoover left the White House, he offered the camp to succeeding presidents, but it was not ever used as regularly as during his time in office. Eventually, Mr. Hoover donated Rapidan Camp to the National Park Service. (Some material was found in "Herbert Hoover's Hideaway" by Darwin Lambert, 1971).

Do You Know - Where to find copies of Malvern documents and forms?
New lot/home owners should have received a "Disclosure Packet" that provides copies of the rules and procedures that govern Malvern of Madison. If not, please contact your Realtor or sales source. Additionally, the Board maintains many of these documents online in the Click here Policies, Documents, and Forms page.

And, as always, if you have questions please attend one of the monthly Board meetings (date above) or contact a Click here Board Member.

Malvern News Publication Schedule:
The Newsletter will be sent monthly, usually the first Thursday, and Ad-Hoc when needed. Committee Chairs must submit their input at least two days in advance.

If you have any questions about this Newsletter or any of the Community activities please visit our Click here Contacts Page.

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