We are trying a re-boot of the Malvern News with this issue and will continue with periodic news and announcements direct from the Malvern HOA Secretary.
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This is a reminder to all Malvern of Madison lot owners of the Annual Meeting to be held on April 28, 2018. You should have received the Malvern Communicator in your mailbox by now. If you haven't received it, let the Board know so we can correct the oversight.
The Annual Meeting is when you elect a new Board for the coming year, hear reports from current directors, and conduct other business of the association. These meetings, one in April and one in October, are your opportunity to bring up your concerns or suggestions before the entire community. Please attend (even if you don't have any concerns or suggestions).
This year's meeting will be held at the Malvern Clubhouse.
Proxies Please! If you cannot attend the April 28th meeting, please give your proxy form to a member that will be attending. Thanks
Sincerely, your secretary,
Fred Bourque