 Home Home Date Submitted: May 7, 2015 Subscribe Subscribe 
Hello Malvern News Subscribers,
This Newsletter is brought to you by the Click here Malvern Board of Directors. Thank you for subscribing and please inform your Malvern neighbors of this news service.

Homeowners' Association:
In addition to this Newsletter, the Board maintains the Click here Malvern Web Site where you can find reports of meetings, the latest "Malvern Communicator," policies, forms, and a wealth of other information about our community. And, please, come to the monthly Board meetings to learn more about the latest of what's going on!

Next Monthly Board Meeting
Date:Thursday, May 14, 2015
Time:7:00 pm
Agenda:View View/Print Agenda

President's Bulletin Board:
PinThank you to everyone that made the time to come to the April 25 Membership meeting (and bring proxies!).
PinWelcome Bill Rowe back to the Board when you see him please. Bill has already served a full term and was willing to go another 2 years. Now that's dedication!
PinAnd thank you to the two Board members that reran for their seats. Continuity is so important when running a multimillion dollar corporation!
PinThank you Karen Pilkerton for stepping up to run. Karen did not get elected but she accepted that with grace and good cheer. It's all about the community and Karen has been involved in many things to benefit Malvern.
PinThings are looking really beautiful right now with the dogwoods and new leaves on the trees. We live in a beautiful community! I just wish folks would stop throwing trash out the windows as they drive in and out!
PinThanks to those that volunteer for cleaning Oak Park Road. It really does help!
PinThat's about it for now--got to outside and enjoy this weather!

Community: Help - Missing Cat 
  • Surrey Court Area
  • Please call Bob at 948-4545
  • CLICK Here for picture

Note: Click here Click here to find the latest minutes from the monthly Board meetings.

Treasurer: Annual Dues 
Just a reminder to those who have made their first payment of annual dues - statements for the final payment will be mailed about July 1, 2015 and due no later than the end of August. Of course we are more than happy to accept your payment before that time - make check payable to Malvern Club, Inc. and mail to 905 Malvern Drive, Madison, VA 22727.

Clubhouse & Pool Committee: Pool Opens 
Pool Opens Saturday, May 23, 2015

Roads Committee: Seeking volunteers 
The Roads Committee is seeking volunteer members to assist the Chairman with the following tasks:
  • Perform periodic inspections of our roadways noting areas needing attention.
  • Monitor road repair work for compliance with contract terms
Anyone interested should contact T. J. Wright via e-mail at:
    email  tjwright@relee.build or;
    telephone  Home phone 540-978-6340

No specific roadway construction experience is required (although helpful).

Malvern roadmaps will be provided to note deficiencies on.

Community Events: Picnic Planning  
Everyone in the Community is invited and encouraged to attend the Events Planning Committee Meeting On Wednesday, May 13th at 10AM at the Clubhouse. The discussion will primarily be about the picnic this year which we are in need of new ideas for this and other events. Please plan to attend this most informative meeting - bring the kids as well. We need YOUR input. This Committee is working to plan fun events to involve the whole community of Malvern. See you then...

Community Picnic Planning Meeting
Date:Wednesday, May 13th
Time:10:00 am
Note:Bring the kids.

Firewise Committee: 2014-2015 Firewise Program 
Twenty lot owners participated in the second Chipping Day event on April 22, 2015. The crew also cleaned up small trees and debris along the roadways.

All Firewise logs covering the period 1/1/2014 through 4/22/2015 are now due. Please email them to email malvernfirewise@gmail.com or deposit them in the box on the front porch at 468 Ashlawn Drive. Remember, participants must pay for 20% of the cost of Chipping Day through "in-kind" work. No logs are necessary for the rest of 2015.

Malvern has been renewed as a Firewise Community and may be eligible to apply for another grant for the 2016-2017 program.

Many thanks to those who are participating and to the Firewise committee members: Roberta Jalbert, Rick Collins, Hazel Kreh, Eleanor Montgomery, Diana Allen and to Chas Egen. Keep up the good work to keep your property and Malvern safe from wildfire.

Program Coordinator

Karen Pilkerton

Note: Malvern is subscribed to the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Wildland Fire Newsletter. Click here Click Here to view the April 2015 issue.

Adopt-A-Highway Coordinator: Thanks! 
THANKS to the "Faithful Few" who picked up after the "Litter Louts" to a total of 12 big, orange bags . These willing volunteers go out along Route 634 -- a total of two miles -- and clean up the shoulders of the road from all kinds of messy trash. I don' know who the louts are, but I expect they are unpleasant looking persons who wear sloppy, dirty clothing.

Malvern Club Inc. has participated with the Virginia Adopt-A-Highway program for more than 25 years. The teams go out twice a year -- Spring and Fall. Anyone reading this who would like to join the "Faithful Few" is encouraged to call me to get on the list -- I still have a few open spots so don't delay!!

telephone  Ann Ferguson - 948-5365

Malvern News Publication Schedule:
The Newsletter will be sent monthly, usually the first Thursday, and Ad-Hoc when needed. Committee Chairs must submit their input at least two days in advance.

If you have any questions about this Newsletter or any of the Community activities please visit our Click here Contacts Page.

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