 Home Home Date Submitted: June 4, 2015 Subscribe Subscribe 
Hello Malvern News Subscribers,
This Newsletter is brought to you by the Click here Malvern Board of Directors. Thank you for subscribing and please inform your Malvern neighbors of this news service.

Homeowners' Association:
In addition to this Newsletter, the Board maintains the Click here Malvern Web Site where you can find reports of meetings, the latest "Malvern Communicator," policies, forms, and a wealth of other information about our community. And, please, come to the monthly Board meetings to learn more about the latest of what's going on!

Next Monthly Board Meeting
Date:Thursday, June 11, 2015
Time:7:00 pm
Agenda:View View/Print Agenda

President's Bulletin Board: Happy June! 
PinThe Pool is open and yes, we forgot the 2015 stickers! We have informed Security so it shouldn't be a problem.
PinHave a great summer and enjoy this beautiful property! We all own it so let's ALL take care of it!!!
PinWhether you rent the Clubhouse, swim in the pool or just drive the roads, please consider the fact that we all own these amenities. Trash, speeding, etc harms us all!
PinPlease be good Malvern citizens this year! And have a wonderful and happy summer.

Secretary: Minutes 
Click here Click here to find the latest minutes from the monthly Board meetings.

Treasurer: Dues Reminder 
Just a reminder to those who have made their first payment of annual dues - statements for the final payment will be mailed about August 1, 2015 and due no later than the end of August. Of course we are more than happy to accept your payment before that time - make check payable to Malvern Club, Inc. and mail to 905 Malvern Drive, Madison, VA 22727.

Architectural Committee: Building Reminder 
Remember to submit a package for any building or additions requiring a building permit as the HOA needs to approve these actions prior to actually beginning.

Grounds & Lake Committee: North Dock 
The North dock has a new gravel area constructed for Fire Department pumping equipment to use when accessing the dry hydrant. This ramp is still under construction and is not a parking area. The approved parking area is to the west at the edge of the vacant lot. This is where all cars and trailers are to be parked.

Courtesy of a FireWise grant, the dry hydrant will be moved to make way for easier Fire Department Water Tanker access and a better boat ramp.

Community Events: Events Planning  
The Malvern Events Committee is looking for new members to join. We plan all the events for the Malvern Community. Our next meeting will take place on Tuesday, July 14th at 7:00 PM at the clubhouse. All are welcome to join us in planning for our next social event - the picnic. For further information, you may call Ellie at 845-269-1569.

Event Planning Meeting
Date:Tuesday, July 14th
Time:7:00 pm
Contacts:Ellie, 845-269-1569

Firewise Committee: NFPA Newsletter 
Malvern is subscribed to the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Wildland Fire Newsletter. Click here Click Here to view the May 2015 issue.

Malvern News Publication Schedule:
The Newsletter will be sent monthly, usually the first Thursday, and Ad-Hoc when needed. Committee Chairs must submit their input at least two days in advance.

If you have any questions about this Newsletter or any of the Community activities please visit our Click here Contacts Page.

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