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About Firewise

About  Learn what the Firewise Program is and what it can do for Malvern.

  1. You must notify the Firewise Coordinator that you are participating in the program.
  2. You must keep a Firewise Activity Log of your "in-kind" work hours!
  3. See below for the log form and additional instructions, including how and where to place materials.

Important message about in-kind work hours: We need to report our volunteer work hours to help us pay 20% toward our share of the costs of the grant. Please make note of how much time you spend working on cutting or dragging branches, clearing brush, mowing, cleaning out gutters, picking up branches and sticks trimming bushes and trees etc. on your Firewise Log. Logs may be emailed to firewise@malvernofmadison.org as completed or at the end of the program.

Firewise Coordinator: Susan Korfanty — (540) 543-3913
Email: firewise@malvernofmadison.org

Activity Log  Print the log form required to record in-kind activities and hours (PDF)

Activity Log  Download the log form required to record in-kind activities and hours (Microsoft Word)

Log Example  An example of a filled out Log form.

Activities  Examples of Firewise in-kind projects for Malvern homeowners.

Newsletter  February 2020 National Fire Protection Association Fire Break Newsletter.